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  • Short term (airbnb and month to month) management

  • Interior styling (for amazing photos)

  • Property consultation (helping clients make a confident purchase decision)

  • Property management

  • Project management for rental units

How it all began

Hello, my name is Tanya, I founded FRIENDS WITH COOL PLACES in 2013. Together with a qualified team we offer full service property management services for our clients.
I am a modern day nomad. Born in Belarus, raised in Canada, converted to Europe in London and finally settled in magical Amsterdam. I was banker by trade and migrated to hospitality in 2011.
Friends With Cool Places was born when a friend with a cool place approached me if I was interested in managing it independently. He believed I had great credentials and could trust my execution. I wasn’t shy to give it a try.
Today Friends With Cool Places is an all around property manager assisting clients with directing purchases, rebuilding, decorating, generating revenue. Of course we also orchestrate every aspect of daily, weekly or ad hoc management while our clients are fulfilling their dreams elsewhere, worry-free.




A: Goudsbloemstraat 1-1
    1014 AE
    The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)6 39597725
