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Photos EVS   (2) 2.jpg

A lovely two bedroom

Story: 2nd
Floors: 1
Size: 85 m2 /850 square feet
View: a bustling street in the front, a calm garden at the back
Bed type: Master bedroom 160 cm x 200cm Second bedroom 140 cm x 200 cm
Property type: 2 bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor
Bathrooms: 1 small bathroom with a toilet, sink and a walk in shower

5-gz Wi-Fi
Fully equipped kitchen (no dishwasher..yet)

Central heating

Washing machine



Located in Amsterdam's cool and bustling Oost neighbourhood on Eerste Van Swindenstraat, a stone throw away from a lush green Oosterpark and on a street lined with all amenities you can wish for.. This is a classic Amsterdam apartment with high ceilings and lots of windows, a separate kitchen and two bedrooms. The decor is fresh and cool, the owner just put two years of love and sweat and a lot of attention to detail into the place and you can really feel this - it’s clean, fresh and stylish!

The master bedroom is garden facing so you will enjoy nice quiet sleeps here. The guest room is on the other side of the apartment adjacent to the living room and has an elevated bed which is so cozy.

 A bi-weekly cleaning by our professional cleaning company is included

Towels and bedding is provided

Bike(s) maybe available on request

Registration is possible on request only

Please check if you pet will be allowed

Public transport is within easy access if you prefer not to walk/take the bike further afield